Neighborhood Family Councils give weight to the voices of lived experiences.

Neighborhood Family Councils


Neighborhood Family Councils (NFCs) are comprised of residents who live in the same elementary school catchment area. NFC members are volunteers held only accountable to their neighbors—not to CBEL. CBEL relies on these NFC members to engage their neighbors in determining how to make their neighborhood a better place to live and raise a family. Neighborhood residents know their community best—it’s why their feedback and requests are at the heart of every bit of work we do.

In addition to speaking with other community leaders at CBEL meetings, NFC members host their own meetings, community cafes, and other events in their area to promote safe, thriving neighborhoods. Click on the individual Councils below to learn more about their work in their own words.

We want to thank the following organizations & businesses for their support during our 2024 Fun Fridays!


Established in 2020, this is Salem’s flagship neighborhood council. Made up of families living in the Hallman Elementary School catchment area, the Council sponsors community cafes and the ever-popular Fun Fridays at Northgate Park.

Top Row (Left to Right): Leslye Garcia, Maria Mendoza, Veronica Carlos, Fabiola Castro, and Eduardo Angulo

Bottom Row (Left to Right): Rosa Cortes, Fabiola’s Daughter, and Ramon Arrendondo

Not Pictured: Julie Vestal, Bianka Venegas, Stephanie Milbourn

Kennedy is our first neighborhood council in Keizer. Established in 2022 for families in the Kennedy Elementary School catchment area, they have partnered with the Hallman-Northgate Family Council to host two Fun Fridays at St. Edwards Church and many other events/classes for residents.

Top Row (Left to Right): Esperanza Sotelo, Emily Jadhav, Roland Herrera, Sirron Berkley, and Eduardo Angulo

Bottom Row (Left to Right): Tammy Kunz, Jacque Green, Leslye Garcia, Aliza Moreno, Mirabel Mora, and Imelda Sanchez

Established in 2023, the Highland Neighborhood Family Council is for families living in the Highland Elementary School catchment area. Our newest council has hosted multiple events for families already, including a very successful WinterFest in late 2023 and a Spring Celebration in 2024, with both events drawing in over 300 families and their children.

Current Members: Maribel Hernandez, Florisel Soriano, Cony Torres and Olivia Alvarez

Not Pictured: Kyle Noblett


Cummings Neighborhood Family Council


Washington Neighborhood Family Council

Meet the NFC Support Team

  • Eduardo Angulo


  • Darian Owens





  • Destiny Aguilar-Lagos




Upcoming community events

Check out the events happening in a neighborhood near you or follow your NFC on Facebook!